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Alfabeto gótico

f.: esopedia

The ' Gothic alphabet is an alphabetic writing system attributed by Philostorgius to Ulfilas (also known as Wulfila), used exclusively for writing the ancient Gothic language . Before its creation in the fourth century , the Gothic was probably written with the use of runes . It was used mainly by Ulfilas to translate the Bible into Gothic. It seems to be derived from ' greek alphabet with some loans from the Latin . The names of the letters are clearly derived from those of the runes.
Below is a table with the Gothic alphabet. Two letters used in its transliteration are not used in the Latin alphabet: þ ( þiuþ , thorn ) (which is still used in the Icelandic language) and ƕ ( hwair ). These represent the sounds th in English thin and dull wh .

As in the alphabet greek, letters were also used as numerals. When used as numerals, letters were generally written with a dot or a bar located above. There are two numerals (90 and 900 representatives) without phonetic value.

The names of the letters are recorded in a manuscript of the ninth century of Alcuin ( Codex Vindobonensis 795 ). Many of these seem to be Gothic forms of names that also appear in the runic poems . The names are given in the form of words reconstructed Gothic, followed by the spelling of their actual claim.

The majority of the letters are taken directly from ' greek alphabet , but some letters are innovated to accurately express the phonology Gothic, these are j , u (in greek by a digraph ου), ƕ , and q (interesting that is not derived from greek Qoppa , which appears merely as numeral 90 , but a variant of p ). þ similarly to Cyrillic Ф seems derived from the greek Φ rather than Θ . r and s seems to be derived by the Latin alphabet rather than the greek. Similarly, the form of f is derived from the Latin F rather than the greek digamma , as it takes the place of Φ, not dose-ranging, in alphabetical order. x is used only in proper names and loans containing the X Greek

Regarding the numerical values ​​of the letters, moles correspond to those of numerals Greeks . q takes the place of digamma (6); j takes the place of ξ (60), u that of ο (70) ƕ that of ψ (700).

ENCYCLOPAEDIA V. 51-0 (11/04/2016, 10h24m.), com 2567 verbetes e 2173 imagens.
INI | ROL | IGC | DSÍ | FDL | NAR | RAO | IRE | GLO | MIT | MET | PHI | PSI | ART | HIS | ???