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vb. criado em 11/05/2013, 18h44m.
The most recognizable relative of the Gryphon is, of course, the Hippogryph, which is in fact the improbable offspring of a Gryphon and a horse. I say improbable because in legend, the horse is the mortal enemy of the Gryphon. Thus, one has to wonder about the mental stability of such a creature. Literally a "horse gryphon", the Hippogryph has all of the qualities of a Gryphon in it's foreparts, and those of a horse in it's rear.
If the joining of two enemies into one sounds poetic, then you are correct. The birth of the Hippogryph can be narrowed down to a line in Virgil's Eclogues (c. 37 BC) as a symbol of impossible love;
"...soon shall we see mate Gryphons with mares, and in the coming age shy deer and hounds together come to drink..."
Again, you can see the strong symbolism attributed to Gryphons also found in Hippogryphs.
The Hippogryph's most noted appearance is in Ludovico Ariosto's epic poem, Orlando Furioso. Atlantes, a magician, owned the hippogryph, but he then gave it to the hero Rogero and taught him to ride the beast with the aid of a magic bridle.
f.: l. ext.
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