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The Big Wave, wood block print by Hokusai, from "One Hundred Views of Mount Fuji," Vol. 2, 1834. Clique no link para ver a imagem em tamanho maior:rel://files/Hokusai.wave.variant.jpg

Dragon ascending Mount Fuji, wood block print by Hokusai, from "One Hundred Views of Mount Fuji," 1834. Clique no link para ver a imagem em tamanho maior:rel://files/HokusaiDragonFuji.jpg

ENCYCLOPAEDIA V. 51-0 (11/04/2016, 10h24m.), com 2567 verbetes e 2173 imagens.
INI | ROL | IGC | DSÍ | FDL | NAR | RAO | IRE | GLO | MIT | MET | PHI | PSI | ART | HIS | ???