parent nodes: 18, na cabala | 23, na cabala


vb. criado em 20/09/2013, 10h19m.
Onycha (Greek: ονυξ), along with equal parts of stacte, galbanum, and frankincense, was one of the components of the consecrated Ketoret (incense) which appears in the Torah book of Exodus (Ex.30:34-36) and was used in the Jerusalem's Solomon's Temple. (Wikipedia)
ENCYCLOPAEDIA V. 51-0 (11/04/2016, 10h24m.), com 2567 verbetes e 2173 imagens.
INI | ROL | IGC | DSÍ | FDL | NAR | RAO | IRE | GLO | MIT | MET | PHI | PSI | ART | HIS | ???