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vb. criado em 09/05/2013, 23h50m.

imp, Goblin, Elfo.

You'll find these troublemakers in England. The word first appeared in Shakespeare (1623) and, funnily enough, may simply be a typographical error for oaph, as in oaf. It turns out that oaf and elf come from the same root, the connection being that children with mental or physical abnormalities were said to be changelings. Thus a person who was thought to be stupid or slow was elfish. As for true goblin ouphes, they can be pronounced more like oaf, or more like oof. I prefer the latter, but however you pronounce their name, watch out for their mischief.

f.: b&w

ENCYCLOPAEDIA V. 51-0 (11/04/2016, 10h24m.), com 2567 verbetes e 2173 imagens.
INI | ROL | IGC | DSÍ | FDL | NAR | RAO | IRE | GLO | MIT | MET | PHI | PSI | ART | HIS | ???