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vb. criado em 09/05/2013, 23h56m.

a creature variously believed to be a zombie, a familiar, a gremlin, or a demon. It's created by a shaman in order to wreak revenge on the shaman's enemies.

It is in southern Africa that you need to watch out for tokoloshes. The word comes from Zulu and is spelled a variety of ways, including Tikoloshe. They are small, hairy, and may have holes in their skulls or gouged-out eyes, but they're usually invisible to adults, due to a pebble they carry in their mouths. They're thought to frighten children, rape women, steal things, and cause illness and death. But the most evil thing about them is that real people in Africa are sometimes attacked or murdered out of fear of witchcraft and tokoloshes.

f.: b&w

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