parent nodes: Bestiário | Fantasma | Monstro
vb. criado em 09/05/2013, 23h53m.

Rakshasa, photo by Manohara Upadhya
an evil humanoid creature that feeds on human flesh and spoiled food, and is a shapechanger, illusionist, and magician
Rakshasas are a terrible danger to travellers in India. According to Hinduism, Rakshasas may have been particularly evil humans in former lives, and according to Buddhism they are demons of the army that fought Buddha, but in either case they're known to disturb sacrifices, desecrate graves, dine on human travellers, and carry off heroes' wives. They have long sharp teeth and venomous fingernails, and are said to have as many as ten heads. If you wish to defeat one, you'll need to be a hero.
f.: b&w
ENCYCLOPAEDIA V. 51-0 (11/04/2016, 10h24m.), com 2567 verbetes e 2173 imagens.
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