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Nut (o Céu) cria o Sol; os raios deste projetam-se sobre Hator, no horizonte (amor e vida). (f.: Campbell, J. (1949). O herói de mil faces. Trad. Adail Ubirajara Sobral. São Paulo: Cultrix/ Pensamento, 1990 (ed. original 1949)).
Ponto focal de nosso sistema planetário, o Sol é símbolo material-espiritual por excelência da divindade. Sua luz pode ser considerada como a manifestação visível do Deus criador, sustentador e conservador de todas as formas de vida. O Sol é também emblema do Ser Real Interno de cada homem, da vitalidade, da vontade e dos sentimentos nobres como a lealdade.
f.: Pellegrini, L. (1995). Dicionário de Símbolos Esotéricos. São Paulo: Editora Três.
SUN and SUN SIGN: The sun was worshipped as a personified, life-giving deity in Babylonian, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, and other major civilizations of history. The more common symbol is the familiar face in the center of the sun's rays. (See sun symbol below the picture of the "Eye of Horus") A dot or point in the center of a circle symbolizes the blending of male and female forces. (See air, which also represents spirit, among the symbols for Elements) Hindus call the midpoint in a circle the bindu - the spark of (masculine) life within the cosmic womb.
SUN SIGN 2: Found in Turkey and believed to represent the sun and the four directions. (See "Swastika" 1 and 2). Compare the curving lines with the primary lines of Swastika 3, the iron cross. Notice also that without the horizontal line, the symbol resembles the outline of the "Yin-Yang."
SUN WHEEL or RING CROSS: A universal symbol found on ancient slabs in Nordic countries, in pre-Columbian America and in Mediterranean countries. "Today, it is used as a log by some new fascist organizations," according to the Dictionary of Symbols. Like the swastika and other sun symbols, it represents power and supremacy. See also "Circle (Quartered)". It serves as a logo for the Swedish national socialist party, Nordiska Rikspartiets , and for the French Jeune Nation.
f.: aqui
ENCYCLOPAEDIA V. 51-0 (11/04/2016, 10h24m.), com 2567 verbetes e 2173 imagens.
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